scribbling + smudging

03smudge figures without ball

I made a few photo sketches today that combine the circular scribble motion (from my drawings) with the Photoshop smudge tool.  I’m overworking and exaggerating the effect and then I’ll worry about finding the right amount that it needs. After making a few sketches of the same image, I played around with layering them at different opacities – just to get the effect of the image dissolving.

I’m not sure how I arrived here, but I guess I’m playing around with the idea of scribbling onto the image, by using Photoshop, rather than applying scribbles/ink directly onto the paper surface. I’m also not overthinking this – and letting my hands lead the way (making “yes” work). I’m not even sure I’ll continue with this idea.

I am liking the way the colors mix and melt, the grotesque faces, the distortion of the body, the drips, the fleshy swirls and the way the medium is complicated between photograph and painting.







One thought on “scribbling + smudging

  1. Whether or not this is final work is irrelevant, it is brilliant process! The scribbles that you have made are invisible, it is only their aftermath that you can see. There is certainly something here that needs to be examined and understood. Even the way that the figures are arranged is meaningful. What often looks like play, when you freeze it like this, looks much more violent and aggressive. Taking a single frame of a video, and trying to draw context or meaning from it, the same way that the Rodney King defense team took individual stills of the video to draw implications that would eventually exonerate the police. This is disturbing, and that is really a good thing.,

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